Do you know why Indian and Chinese culture adapted Turmeric? Why should you use the turmeric powder? The answer lies in the study that shows; turmeric has medicinal properties that benefit mind and body respectively. This is the reason that one of the Best Indian Restaurants in Berlin use turmeric as their staple spices.
I am about to share 10 scientifically proven benefits of turmeric powder with you. Here is #1:
Bioactive Compounds
Science has started to learn about the medicinal benefits of turmeric; an herb that is used as powder and a color additive that makes the curry yellowish. Turmeric is known to have curcumin; a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ingredient. It has been found that when turmeric is mixed up with black pepper; it enhances the anti-oxidant power by 2000%.
Although inflammation is necessary to keep the body from harmful diseases such as chronic pain of heart, cancer, degenerative conditions and etc. Studies have proven that short inflammation should be no concern but if the inflammation remains for a long time; it should be consulted. As turmeric has curcumin in it; it is believed that this powerful ingredient fights long term inflammation cells on the molecular level and repairs the cells within their genome.
Oxidization of your body is perhaps; the disastrous way to destroy the immune system. They are also known as the nuclear bombs on a cellular level; if activated, they destroy everything they react with. Turmeric helps anti-oxidize your body through neutralizing free-radicals AKA the oxidizing agents.
Improves Brain Function
It is known that once you reach adulthood; the neurons that work inside the brain stop multiplying and decrease their capacity. Research has shown that turmeric helps increase and multiply the neurons that provide anti-aging qualities to the brain and improves cognitive ability.
Prevents Heart Diseases
It is known that the heart disease is one of the biggest killers of human beings. It is unstoppable but the process that causes it can be reversed. Endothelial Dysfunction is commonly known to stop your heart from pumping properly. Curcumin takes care of that problem.
Prevents Cancer
Although studies are under development; it has been released into the public that curcumin; found in turmeric can stop cancer from spreading further and even kill cancer tissues on a molecular level by terminating its multiplication.
Treats Alzheimer’s disease
There have been so developed studies that show that turmeric treats Alzheimer disease; it is known that it prevents from developing that disease in the first place. Studies have found that people who had included turmeric in their food intake; they didn’t have any sign of Alzheimer.
Best for Arthritis Patients
This common problem has been researched and studied with dosages of curcumin and researchers found that, turmeric helps treat the symptoms of arthritis that is caused by high inflammation in the joints of patients.
Incredible Against Depression
Studies have also shown that taking significant dose of curcumin; which is found in turmeric; helps fight depression and works as antidepressant.
Anti-Aging Remedy
As turmeric contains curcumin; an ingredient having high amounts of anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, it has been studied that turmeric works as an anti-aging remedy too.
Although research and development sectors have changed our lives and made them better, but; to make lives become the best; it has yet to grow into the science of fighting impossible diseases. Be sure to check out Besten Indischen Restaurant in Berlin.
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